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Edward Cox

Edward Cox

Cox Farms

Location: Mexia, TX

Region: South

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About Edward

Retired from life as a senior level Electrical Engineer in Houston to a small Central Texas Farm in 2012. After exploring my options in raising a small herd of cattle, I settled on a grass-fed line and that led me straight to the South Poll breed. The docile nature and even temperament of these gentle animals have provided me with hours of pleasure working with them. I started with six -14-month-old heifers. By the end of the first day, my wife had one half of them eating range cubes out of her hand. By 9 AM the next morning, one of the abstainers had slipped through an old fence and could not be found. With the help of another South Poll cattleman and a sharp-eyed neighbor some 2 months later, the lost heifer was found and returned; she provided me with eight healthy calves in as many years.

My Listings

20230501 151839


Posted: Jun 01, 2023

Price: $1,400.00

Owner: Edward Cox

Location: Mexia, TX

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