Smokie Pond Farm
Vernon, AL
Region: South
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About Bruce
In the early spring of 2019 we decided to get out of the Kiko goat business, a very enjoyable adventure we had been on for over ten years, and go all in on beef cattle. We started out like most farms in the southeast with mostly large Black Angus with a few Hereford’s and Charolais’s thrown in for good measure.
Through a good friend we had in the goat business, we knew a little about a relatively new breed of cows developed to thrive in the hot humid Alabama summers. By mid summer 2019 we had our first bred South Poll heifers and a new South Poll bull. These were a more compact cow breed to be raised and finished on grass. As we begin to do research on grass-fed beef we soon realized that to produce the best beef we had to produce the best grass and soil. By the spring of 2020 we were starting to use Holistic land management. We started rotational grazing and working on building better soil so we could have better grass.