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John Riordan

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John Riordan

Restoration Farm

Location: Rudy, AR

Region: South

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About John

Restoration Farm Story - Seeking to Restore Land, Agriculture, and Family Welcome to Restoration Farm where we get excited about restoring land to the fruitful abundance that God designed into His creation! We are passionate about raising nutritious food to feed to our family and yours. We are the Riordan Family, John and Kaleah Riordan and our six children. On our farm we seek to restore our land to the fertile abundant land it was meant to be by managing our cattle's grazing to benefit the land, pursuing regenerative agricultural practices to increase our pastures fertility and, pursuing the best genetics grass-fed genetics available. We seek to help restore a local vibrant farm community that provides locally grown healthy food. We seek to restore the family farm which provides we parents the opportunity to disciple and mentor our children into responsible adulthood. We are constantly seeking to improve our South Poll cattle's genetics and increase our knowledge and practice of the regenerative agricultural methods.